Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stop calling my cell phone!!!

For the past couple weeks I've been getting strange phone calls on my cell phone. Except I'm never there to answer them so it's just these odd voicemails. The guy calling doesn't realize he's reached my voicemail though and every call is like, "Hello? Rodent Girl(cept he uses my real name)? Can I speak with Rodent Girl please? Hello?" What's also weird about these calls is that they all sound like the same guy calling, but every time he calls it's a different number. Most of the numbers are 800 or 866 numbers, but there are other ones. There was even one and the number was just 1412.

So today I told my mom and she called one of the numbers today, and it was an answering service. My mom asked who was calling but the answering service guy didn't know. She told him that a man was calling her daughter who is a minor and the guy said, "uh-oh."

Yeah, uh-oh. Stop calling me strange person! Or at least leave a real message and tell me what you want.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

O_O Whoa, who do I need to kill? That is WAY creepy, Blue Horse, I would be super freaked out if I were you... like, he even knows your real name? Does he say just your first name, or first and last? Cuz that in itself could have certain implications... Ugh. What a creeper. I, being the super paranoid freak that I am, would definitely get a new number for my cellphone. Even if that costs money (I don't know whether or not it does). *nods* Whoa baby, weird stuff. ^_^