Friday, November 26, 2010

Don't forget anything this holiday season!

Especially not your pants!

My new Christmas drawing! I hope you like it. I'll be selling  copies. JK. But it is cute, you gotta admit. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

There's a fine line between genius and lazy ass

Today in my Introduction to American Music class, we learned about experimental music. The first piece we discussed and listened to was interesting and pretty cool because it was played on the piano, but not the keys, just the strings. Then my professor went on to mention another composer and told us we all could play his song. To play the song, one sits at the piano, then does nothing. After a certain time interval, the player turns the page to mark the second movement, but continues to play nothing. Then there's a third movement where the same thing happens. The idea is that the "music" are all the sounds that you hear around you in the theater. (Title: 4'33" Click here for Wikipedia link). 


Really, John Cage, you think you can get away with that?

Obviously, it is not without controversy about whether it actually is or is not music, but I think it is just ridiculous. I can see how you could appreciate the sounds of things like birds chirping, children laughing, or even the bustle of a city. But even those are still just noises.

I also think it's unfair. If he wanted people to appreciate the noises around them, he should have pointed that out. Because instead of listening to the theater sounds, they probably had so much internal noise, in their heads, because they would be like, "Hey, man, play the fucking piano already!"

Monday, November 22, 2010

The rules of arachnophobia

Rule #1: ALL spiders are scary. Even if they are only the size of a crumb or known to be completely harmless.

Rule #2: The only two spiders in Illinois that are potentially deadly to humans are the brown recluse and the black widow.

Rule #3: Rule #2 doesn't matter; see rule #1. 

Rule #4: If you happen to sit near a huge, scary spider while at school, look up from your studying every five minutes to make sure it doesn't suddenly run towards you to attack you.

Rule #5: If you don't run off screaming when you see this spider you either 1. don't have arachnophobia or 2. really care about that microeconomics quiz you are studying for.

Rules #6: If you are close enough to take a picture with your crappy camera phone; you are too close.