Friday, January 23, 2009

Senioritis can be a good thing

I can totally feel the senioritis trying to overtake me. Last year, I totally did not believe it. I just thought the seniors were being lazy and stupid, but all of a sudden- bam! It's second semester and it hits you. First semester, it was there, but it was weak. I was able to overpower it. Now it's stronger than ever. It's harder to resist, but I have something to help me- a little fact called, "you need to get good grades because you have to send your transcript to your college at the end of the school year." That motivator is what kept me going. Others though, did not have that motivation because my class rank percentage went from 12.4 to 11- so- boo ya! So, you see, senioritis can be a good thing- as long as it's not happening to you.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dancing and robots...dancing robots? no, that's dumb

Did everyone see the new Evolution of Dance 2? Well, I have ( a few times actually) because I have nothing better to do than watch videos on the Internet (even though it was finals week). It's shorter but it's still good. You should watch it. And by "should" I mean "open up a new tab right now and come back to my blog after the 4 min 10 second video is over."

What? You didn't like it that much? It's cuz I hyped it up too much for you. Oh well. That's what happened to me Wall E I think. Everyone was like "it's so good" and I was like "oh, I want to see it" and then I saw it and I thought it was so stupid. I think it had potential to be good (it had a good plot), but, come on, it stunk.