Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'll sting you

Not because I got high

My bed time is in 10 minutes but I can only charge my MP3 player through my computer and it was pretty dead, get a blog post from me (I've been slacking anyway. I've had a billion ideas of what to write about and never did because I was too lazy).

I didn't go to Harper job on Monday which turned out to be a problem. You see, I haven't been doing any homework at home because I despise doing so and was only doing it between class and work or during work, and not going to work on Monday meant I didn't get my homework done. It's funny because I think without this job, I probably wouldn't do homework. And then I would be like my older brother (who plans on going to Harper until he's 40 [and he should be able to because he keeps on dropping/failing classes]).

My cousin is having surgery today on her ACL (I don't even know what that is). Apparently, she's really nervous about it. I know she's not going to read this, but maybe the blog gods could pass on the message and let her know that it will be fine and over before she knows it (literally, actually, because they don't wake you up until it's finished).

Yesterday was  the infamous 4/20. My classes were less populated yesterday. I don't think it was a coincidence. While that is not a day I observe; I find it amusing, and I enjoy any day that deviates from the normal. So here is a link to a related song. Don't smoke weed, kids

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Better than Seriously.

I was so bored tonight at work because I had neither work nor homework to do and I hadn't done anything all day. I was going crazy from boredom. Then my friend offered to give me a wiki hunt. Something that involves Wikipedia, no thanks, I want to something fun. But I was sooooo bored. Wait, wiki hunt? What's that? It's where you start at one Wikipedia page and have to get to another by using the links on the page. Ok, I'll do it.

Since my friend was reading the page on mental health, I had to start there, and get to the page on cheese. Seems impossible, I mean, how are those two related? It was actually pretty easy and only took me a couple minutes. The path I took: mental health>World Health Organization>Alliances for Healthy Cities>primary health care>health care>United States>Midwest> Wisconsin>cheese. Easy.

My next one: cheese to eye drops. Harder than it looks, but I did it. Cheese>Center for Science in the Public Interest>Center for Consumer Freedom>antibiotic>medicine>eye> eye(disambiguation)> human eye> optometrist> eye examination>eye disease> keratoconjuctivitis sicca> artificial tears> eye drops.

 These wiki hunts are fun puzzles to do. I recommended it for when you're bored.

Here are some ideas.

Go from John McCain to Kesha

Kesha to guinea pig

guinea pig to marijuana

Random enough? That should keep you busy for a while.

PS. Rinny, where did you learn of this "wiki hunt" thing?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When pigs fly

So, I think I need to start exercising. I decided this after realizing I found it to be too much effort to suck my stomach in. Yes, I am now too lazy to fake being skinny. However, I see two problems right away with this whole "exercising" thing.

1. Remember this: old blog post where I decided to start exercising
Yeah well, that lasted for four days. I tried it again at the end at the school and that lasted for three days. So, I exercised 7 days last school year. I know, don't overdo it, Gloria.

2. I have no time no exercise. The only time I would be able to is in the morning, early, before school. When I seriously told this idea to my parents one night at dinner, they started cracking up. So did I. The idea of me waking up early is ridiculous. The idea of me waking up early to exercise is enough to make you choke on your hamburger helper.

You know what though, I am willing to give it a shot. But let's keep our expectations reasonable. Let's first see even I will even wake-up early. Then let's see if I will get out of bed, change my clothes, and walk all the way downstairs to the elliptical. So many places for the plan to go awry.

Do you think I will do it?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The first group is like prostitutes; they'll give it up to anybody!

It's a cute story: boy and girl meet in chemistry and are lab partners. Then they start going out. They have "chemistry." Aw.

The only flaw to this cute, cliche story is when the class has an odd number of people and these two lab partners actually have a third partner. It is especially irksome when the third partner is me.

I can't walk with them up to lab anymore because they are always together- giggling at one another. It's not even official which makes it even weirder, but I've crept on their Facebook pages enough to know what's really going on. I feel like I'm intruding on them. I am ruining their cute chem story.

I shouldn't worry though because if their relationship ever does get serious, they won't even remember me. The whole situation probably only annoys me because I am jealous nobody wants to share their electrons to bond with me.

PS. The title is a quote from my teacher. If you don't understand it; you don't know your periodic table well enough.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fun with links!

I heard this song on the radio today. It's silly and weird.

If you didn't catch it on Facebook, you might recognize the guy in this video:

My not so big adventure of the day #2

I had to go to school today to work on a group project. We finished by 11am but my mom wouldn't be able to pick me up until 1 because she had work. I thought I would just wait, but after 30 minutes of just sitting there realized I couldn't so this for another hour and a half. So I decided to try to walk home.

At one point during my journey, I was coming up to a T-intersection and a car was sitting there. I figured the car would turn onto the main road but if it was there when I reached the intersection I would walk a wide perimeter around it just to be safe. As I got closer I see the woman in the car is pointing a camera in my direction, and I heard the camera click a few times. Excuse me, Asian lady, what are you doing?! Are you taking my picture? You know, you can't just go around taking people's pictures without their permission! I hate creepy Asian women photographers.

A little later, the sidewalk had ended and I noticed a creepy looking man walking around in a swampy area, but he was coming up and we were going to be at the same place at the same time. So I sped up. Except, there was a muddy puddle and I had to walk in the street. I kept this pace for a little while although, the man, to my relief, had crossed the street.

So, with all that stress on my weak little body, and realizing there really weren't any sidewalks I could take, I gave up my homeward quest and went to Subway where my mom picked me up 45 minutes later.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Candy makes everything better, right?

I expect too much out of holidays. Today was pretty much a normal day, but with more candy. My highlight of the day was hiding Easter eggs for the little kids at church.

Actually, I'm pretty much disappointed everyday. Life sucks. 

I am sick of school. I am sick of living with my family. I am sick of my boring life, and I am sick of Easter candy- literally.

And I can't handle the speeches and the accompanying nervous stomach which lasts all day even if we ran out of time and I didn't actually go. And I can't handle two jobs and mass amounts of homework because just thinking about them makes me stressed. And I can't handle worrying about people, especially people who ask me out, freak me out by how much they like me even after only two dates because I generally try to stay away from people, get me to like them, then run into family problems and don't talk to me in three weeks. 

I know my problems are not bad, really not even problems at all. But I am having a mini meltdown, and I just wanted to get that shit off my chest. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A box of rocks

Kidnapped. Hands tied, duct taped mouth, thrown into a locked basement in some remote location. Who? The nerd in me. That's right, Harper abducted the side of  me who wanted to do well in school. Oh sure, sometimes I would hear the screams, but they just got ignored.

It's amusing to me because I'm pretty sure my lit professor thinks I'm an idiot. She said something about her honor's English class today and I thought she would probably laugh if she knew an honor's program application was sitting in my dresser right now.

Of course, that could prove I'm actually not that smart after all, seeing as the application has not been filled out yet.

Maybe that will change. Someone let the nerd out (on a leash) and now Saturday is my designated homework day. I plan to spend the whole day working on school stuff (admittedly most of which was put off from before). Perhaps my lit paper will be so good that it will change my professor's mind. Yeah, probably not. But I'm past the point of wanting to impress people. I can be dumb if I want to.