Thursday, April 26, 2012

Now let's roll around in mud

Have you ever wanted to see the world through someone else's eyes?

Would you settle for seeing my eye dissection lab instructions through the lens from a pig eye?

Close enough, right? 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Come on get higher

Happy Weed Day!!!

I guess it's tradition now for me to have a weed day blog post every year with an accompanying video. So in order to continue the tradition and to not disappoint my readers, I actually had to do some research this year. Last year and the year before I already knew the video I wanted to show you for weed day, but my knowledge of weed-related YouTube videos was limited to those two. So this year I went to YouTube and searched "funny weed songs." You would be surprised how many of those videos were not funny. No, actually you wouldn't. After all the people who made them probably did so while high and in that case I bet they are hilarious! I did find one silly and catchy song that I liked though and, I'm not gonna lie, it's going to be stuck in my head all day now.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lazy glutton

I always make bad decisions. No matter what it is. Whether it putting off working on a paper by blogging like I'm doing right now or like what happened a little earlier.

For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to eat like four platefuls of spaghetti. I know it's too many calories, but hey, I love spaghetti. And stuffing myself had sort of become a thursday nigtht tradition for me. In other words, I do it all the time, no big deal.

So the spaghetti was all delicious and all. I finished it, talked to some people on Facebook, and since time had passed I thought it would be a good idea to have some dessert: two chocolate marshmallow eggs. After that, I was finally gonna start my paper, so I had to have a caffeinated orange juice beverage so I could stay awake to write my paper.

As I sat there, trying to think out an outline, I realized my tummy was really full. Then I had to lay down. I figured let it all digest and it will be fine. But my tummy ache got so bad that I couldn't even listen to fast songs on my iPod because that made it worse.

Then the feeling of having to throw up started creeping up on me. I tried to fight it off like I always do, with my mantra, "I don't have to throw up, I don't have to throw up." But it didn't work. And as I sat on the floor by the toilet, I couldn't help but to think, "This is much less annoying when you're drunk."

Still haven't started that paper...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Being upset is too many calories

The moment you realize your dreams are completely crushed feels like a handful of Oreos in your mouth.

The subsequent moments feel like a stomach-ache.

So yesterday I found out I got a bad grade on a test in an important class. Before I found that out I still had hope. I had been studying a lot more than I was before, and one exam grade for that class gets dropped and I thought this test would turn things around. Except it didn't, it was horrible, and now I have two horrible exam grades for that class. It's not just any class either, it's like one of the foundation ones for everything I had wanted to do. So this in combination with hormones set off the waterworks yesterday.

It was interesting to experience depression for a day. At the time I thought it was interesting, but I didn't really care. I did really just want to lay in bed, stare at the wall, and eat junk food all day. Which I was doing pretty well in until  friend made me get out of bed (and wouldn't let me eat any more junk food), but I was still just really sad and to him I was slightly bitchy. So, sorry about that.

Yesterday I felt like I had experienced a loss. It was the same kind of deep sadness I felt after a break-up and when Wilbur died (although the pain in those was much stronger). I really feel like the vet-school goal is over. It's not possible for me to get it. It's not going to be possible. So I don't really want my friends and family bugging me about it, I just want to move on and find something else.

Although the depression may linger. I'm still sad, I'm still stressed out about school and the million things I have to do, and tomorrow is Good Friday- Jesus dying is pretty sad.

On the plus side: Titanic and Easter!