Friday, July 18, 2008

I wanted the blue cotton candy

Tonight I went with my parents to see a band of old people, Jay and the Americans. We went because the new Jay, Jay number three, is a relative of ours. I think he's my grandma's cousin or something like that. Anyway, they were really good and their whole concert was like a reminiscence of all the good stuff they've done, and let me tell you these fellas have been around for a while. It was pretty cool though because they new a lot of famous musicians(also old), but I can't really tell you who because I don't really care about famous people (especially those on the older side). One of the only names I recognized I still really don't even know who he is (Neil Diamond, Anyone?). Just thought I'd tell you. The best part of the night was the cotton candy.


Ryan said...

YOu don't know who Neil Diamond is? Haha I don't either... Nice comment on my post by the way...

Rosie said...

I have now officially commented on all your posts. *nods* And I prefer pink cotton candy, because the blue stuff turns my mouth purple, and that's not very attractive.
