Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When pigs fly

So, I think I need to start exercising. I decided this after realizing I found it to be too much effort to suck my stomach in. Yes, I am now too lazy to fake being skinny. However, I see two problems right away with this whole "exercising" thing.

1. Remember this: old blog post where I decided to start exercising
Yeah well, that lasted for four days. I tried it again at the end at the school and that lasted for three days. So, I exercised 7 days last school year. I know, don't overdo it, Gloria.

2. I have no time no exercise. The only time I would be able to is in the morning, early, before school. When I seriously told this idea to my parents one night at dinner, they started cracking up. So did I. The idea of me waking up early is ridiculous. The idea of me waking up early to exercise is enough to make you choke on your hamburger helper.

You know what though, I am willing to give it a shot. But let's keep our expectations reasonable. Let's first see even I will even wake-up early. Then let's see if I will get out of bed, change my clothes, and walk all the way downstairs to the elliptical. So many places for the plan to go awry.

Do you think I will do it?


Rinny said...

likely? no. possible? absolutely. but you can be a very stubborn cheezy (which is good) so if you find the right motivation, then its entirely possible. I say GO FOR IT! ^_^

Rosie said...

What Riny said. :)

Plus, just thought you should know I'm placing a bet on this. I will not tell which side I cast my odds with however. :P

Gloria said...

I did it! I just don't know how long it will last...

Rinny said...

YAY!!!! way to go! keep it up hun!