Thursday, June 11, 2009

Play it by ear

Well, I feel kind of detached from reality now and I am ready to jump back in and not a minute too soon. You know it's bad when I'm sick of TV. The reason- last week I had ear surgery.

About this surgery, well, I didn't think it would be a big deal. The ear doctor told me he only operates on Thursdays and that way his patients can go back to work/school on the following Monday. I figure, great, a few days to chill and then back to normal. Even in the pre-op room the resident was like, "What are you doing this weekend?" Um, I can do stuff this weekend, so soon after surgery? It sounded good to me.

When they woke me up after my 45-minute-turned-2 1/2 hours surgery my first thought was I have to throw up. At that point I was still in the operating room- I bet they would have had fun cleaning that up. I managed to wait, throw up twice, then sleep in the recovery area for the next three hours. I felt bad because my parents didn't get to see me while I was sleeping there and it may have been a little my fault seeing as I stayed up until 1 the night before and had to get up at 6:30.

The next few days consisted of me throwing up every time I tried eating something and being so dizzy I had to have someone walk me to the bathroom whenever I had to go. In this lovely time, I also did not shower. By the time (Wednesday) I had figured out a way to wash my hair without getting water in or behind (where they cut me open) my ear, I wasn't even sure it was hair anymore- just a big pile of greasiness. And when I finally was able to eat, I had difficulties because I couldn't open my mouth all the way or chew on the right side, seeing as that side of my face was all swollen and bruised.

So, no Doc, I did not do anything that weekend. I also think that had I had school I would not have gone back on Monday, unless of course they wanted me to fall down three flights of stairs. I know this whole post has sounded like a list of complaints but cut me some slack because they did cut my head open for cryin out loud. And the best part? I have to have another ear surgery in six months. yay.


Rinny said...

welcome to the world of surgery! Haha. Good to have you back cheesy.

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