Sunday, October 9, 2011

A trumpet fanfare to announce it would help

Oh man, it's October now. Crazy, when did that happen? I'm so shocked every time the month changes. Like I was so used to the old month and now it's like Bam! new month, new stuff. For example, October means Halloween. It also means real fall. September has fall, but it's not the same. October is more long-sleeve shirts, raking, and pumpkins hence real fall. Except for currently, the weather has been warm. And don't get me wrong, I'm loving the 80 degree days, but it's just confusing. As if the changing of the month normally isn't confusing enough. Like remembering to flip your calender, is hard to remember sometimes. Because if you haven't realized, it's now October 9th and I'm writing this as if it were October 1st. Anyways, I had to get this out of my system, because seriously, it gets me every time.

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