Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Should I present this orally?

I was having writer's block for my creative writing class. Poetry isn't really my thing, but we have a whole bunch due soon so I'm pretty much up to my ears in bad poetry. Which reminded me of my two favorites that I've ever written- that I wrote for this blog. Remember the ones about my flute and computer?  Anyway, that inspired me to try that same kind. I don't know if this is appropriate to turn in for class though:

Dear Cheetos,
How could I have ever resisted you?
From the moment I first tasted you,
I was doomed to be yours forever.
You are very cheesy,
but I love that about you.
And when things get boring,
you know how to make them flamin hot.
Everyday I have to have you,
In my mouth.
Whether you are crunchy, puffs, or baked,
you still give me what I want.
Even when your prices go up,
I will not be turned off.

Please, never leave me alone at lunch time.
I'd miss you too much.
Always yours,

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