Thursday, March 10, 2011

Delivering you a slightly amusing blog post

Did you ever look at a word and think "That sounds nothing like what it really means. That's totally stupid. They should change that because if I need a word for what it sounds like what it should be, I won't have a word for it!"

No, you've never thought that?

Ok, here's an example: Deliver 

What it means:

What it sounds like/ what it should mean:

So did you like this post? Did I deliver? (ha, get it?) #punniful 

PS. You will never look at the word "deliver" the same way again. 

On an unrelated note: This is my 200th blog post!


Rinny said...

So your paint pictures are basically like my mind pictures. In choir we endlessly debated the pronunciation of deliver because we didn't people to get the 2nd image when we were singing. I like the slightly amusing. Can't wait to see you!!!!

Gloria said...

Lol. Glad other people think the same way I do. Feel free to show this to your choir. :)