Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I thought this information should be shared

In my zoology class, everyday the professor says something interesting or at least mildly amusing and I thought "imagine my head was on my rear end" was going to be it for today. But then we went into the topic of flatworm reproduction. You can tell this is going to be fascinating already, can't you?

First of all, for some background info, flatworms are monoecious. This means they have both male and female parts under "one house." So that when they meet any other flatworm, they can get it on. Except with flatworms "getting it on" is a little different. It's called hypodermic impregnation.

In other words, penis fencing. Yes, that's right, penis fencing. Some flatworms battle it out in order to be able to literally stab the other with its penis. You see, flatworms have no vagina-like structure, and this is the solution to that problem. So afterwards, the flatworm is left covered in holes and with its opponents sperm.

I bet you wish you had seen the video. Note: I wouldn't search for this on youtube, just to be safe.


Rosie said...

I will remember this post for years to come.

Rinny said...

lol. glad you finally enlightened me ^_^

if you found that amusing....
