Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Drop on the deck and flop like a fish

I used to wonder how SpongeBob could not pass the boating test after all that time. If everyone else could do it, surely he could too? But now I have had my learners permit for three years, and I no longer wonder. I also have decided to use this realization of mine and SpongeBob's similar experiences to make myself seem cooler. Sure, you got your drivers license when you were 16, but I'm like the guy who lives in a pineapple, and who everybody loves. And I know I haven't been going at it for quite as long as he has, but I crashed into my brother's car the other day while pulling out of the driveway, so we'll see. You know, when I drive and my mom gets all mad and upset, she kind of puffs up too.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

You. Are fucking hilarious. For reals.