Monday, July 13, 2009

Too much salt

I don't really have a topic for this post-just randomness from my day.

My sister and I ride our bikes to VBS and she was bugging me because I am so out of shape I can't keep up with her on my bike. Even though, according to her, she ran 10 miles already, then rode her bike really fast home, and I have the good bike. I was dying though. I can't tell you how long it took me to catch my breath when we got there. It took a while.

I volunteer with the preschool/kindergarten group at VBS. It was fun except when I took like five girls to the bathroom. We were in that bathroom forever. To make matters worse, my cousin who is in that group, locked herself in the stall. She couldn't get out. Plus, she spent the whole day telling me she was going to come to my house later and she never did. She lied and I was sad.

Later, my sis and I took our rodents outside. I was anxiously awating the mailman to find out my AP scores. We played catch. "Who gave her a mitt?" was the reaction of my mother. Just because I duck and jump away instead of actually trying to catch the ball? It only hit her car once.

My friend came over with a big, smelly, drooling creature, and a dog too (jk, kendall). My sister and I played butts up. I lost. Three times. But- I got a 5 on my AP psych test- so boo ya!

I ate cottage cheese for the first time today. It was good, but too salty.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

Love the random post. Perfect. I hate cottage cheese.