Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I knew there was a holiday this month

HAPPY 4/20 EVERYONE! Last year I offered you this video: Because I Got High. Well, I have another one for you this year: Weed Card. These are perfect ways to celebrate the holiday if you are lame like me and don't do anything else for it. :(

Speaking of holidays, administrative professionals day is next week. Which is an unholiday for me because it means I have to go in to work an hour early because my bosses have stuff to go to where they get lunch and massages or something.  Not cool.

Oh yeah, Happy Easter too! No, wait, I'm working on Easter. Boo Easter.

Man, April holidays suck. 

1 comment:

Rinny said...

love it ^_^ I was hoping for another weed day post. lol. Happy Easter to you to! (even tho youre working) Eat lots of chocolate!