Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wait, was that the parade? I think I missed it

Saturday my school's marching band went downtown to march in Chicago's memorial day parade. We had to get there early because the streets were being closed down. So we got there around 10 after an hour long bus ride. The parade doesn't start until 12:30. Okay, we'll just sit here in the middle of the street for hours.

Random gross fact: Shortly after leaving the bus my friend dropped her clarinet reed on the sidewalk- in downtown Chicago. I'll leave it up to your imagination to think of all the things that could have happened on that sidewalk. Then she had to put it back in her mouth.

By the time we finally starting marching it was way past 12:30. I don't even remember what time it was, I was just so glad to leave. Plus I had to pee. When we turned the corner to the actual parade route there were so many people. I probably could have frozen right there. Like I don't have a hard enough time marching and playing at the same time already (I'm not even really good at either of those things separately) .

So we played our three songs, then we played the first two again. Then-nothing. It was over. The parade was over. I think it took us longer to walk from the end of the parade route to the bus than it did to march the whole parade. And after all that waiting.

That's ok, our town's memorial day parade is tomorrow and I'm sure it will be plenty long (and boring).

PS: It was actually a lot of fun. You should be sorry you missed it (especially since it was on tv and you could have watched it).


Rinny said...

Why do I have this nagging feeling that the PS comment was directed at me?

Gloria said...

It wasn't directed at you, I promise. However, the clip is on youtube- so no excuses.

Anonymous said...


I like your funny again... I'll go check out the youtube clip now, just to watch it again!
