Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting high

I just watched the whole first season of Grey's Anatomy. Which, isn't that bad because it's only nine episodes, but anyway- those characters get high off their surgeries and fancy medical stuff. Me- I get high just from staying up late. I'm like almost addicted. Every Friday and Saturday, I have to stay up late. It's so lame but it's one of my favorite things to do. I don't get tired to the point where I'm hyper (although I admit that's also a fun sensation), but I get really tired and just ignore it. I like doing that- take that, body! You'll sleep when I tell you to sleep! The end result is like when runners push through the pain and get a runners high (leave it to me to compare my extreme laziness to a sport). Plus you never know what you could see on television at 4 am (by that point even the infomercials are interesting). Making myself really tired every weekend, is what I do to relax. I know it doesn't make sense, but it's the only time I get the tv to myself. It gives me a "high" (or you could call it minor sleep deprivation)- without the dangers or expense (cuz I don't have a job) of drugs. If I'm starting to sound crazy right now It's because I'm tired. But I like it.

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