Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You did not say so

I admit it. I like my community college. Especially now since I'm working there. On Tuesdays and Thursdays because of work and school I'm there for eleven hours, so I get the benefit of being away from my family. I still get the college-ness of walking around campus, chillin out there- I'm thinking about maybe going to the student lounge one of these days. It feels like college. I was afraid is was just going to be like a second PHS-which is what a lot of people call it.

It's not though. And I love the freedom of it all I still get to come home to my guinea pig and my own room (and I don't do my own laundry which is a plus).

So, no, I don't get any crazy college parties, but who wants to get drunk and throw up anyway? I don't.


Rinny said...

well i dont go to any college parties or get drunk either, plus i hafta feed myself AND do my own laundry. So i think you might have the better end of this deal. ;)
MISS YA BUNCHES! I'm gonna try to call u sometime this weekend

Rinny said...

PS~ I totally did say so ^.~

Rosie said...
