Sunday, October 19, 2008

Essays, enzymes, and makeovers

So nothing all that exciting has happened recently which is bad because 1. nothing exciting has happened and 2. it gives me nothing to blog about. I could tell the story of how my dad set the church parking lot on fire, but even that's getting old. Pretty much, I've just been sleeping, doing homework, and studying (go head, ask me about enzymes).

My English teacher read my paper out loud to the class on Friday. It was kind of embarrassing, but it was the first time I got a A plus on a paper in years. I would find a way to attach to my blog so you could read it, but the final draft is only saved on my other computer and it would take way too much effort to go get it.

So the other day, I was researching hair and make-up tips on the Internet. I found a video, "How to blow dry naturally wavy hair" and I've tried twice to get my hair to look like the girl on the video, but no matter what I do, my hair does whatever it wants-then looks like crap. I also watched "How to look older:Make-up" because I'm sick of people thinking I'm 13 years old. So, if I come to school tomorrow with freaky make-up it's because I did it wrong. Just warning you.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

Hey! Awesome job with the paper! May I read it sometime?

I know, things are so annoying lately, nothing is happening.

Oh, and do tell about those enzymes.

JK. *grins*

I love ya bunches and oodles!