Monday, February 20, 2012

Guinea pigs are the reason for my existence

In my companion animal class today, we spent about three minutes talking about guinea pigs. It was the best three minutes of my life. Except when my professor said that guinea pigs weren't cuddly. He even had this on his power point. When he said this, I spent about two milliseconds trying to keep my face under control, but I couldn't do it and I just let my face go into probably the best "What the fuck??" face I've ever made. Now- my professor saw my facial expression, pointed to me, and announced to the whole class that I had made a face. Which was kind of embarrassing, I'm not gonna lie. But how dare he say guinea pigs are not cuddly! Screw his DVM PhD! If there's one thing I know about it's guinea pigs and I know they are very cuddly! That's a big reason of why I love them so much. There's nothing better than than that plump rodent resting his head on your shoulder. Guinea pigs rock. A friend of mine was pulling up YouTube videos of guinea pigs yesterday. They were so cute; I wanted to cry. I miss my guinea pigs so much. I am seriously going through guinea pig withdrawal. I need some guinea pigs, stat.

1 comment:

Rinny said...

Clearly he's never had a piglet. I WANT ONE!!!! Guinea pigs = love.