Sunday, December 21, 2008

O Christmas tree

My family finally put up our Christmas tree. Good thing we didn't wait 'til last minute. I really like our Christmas tree- it's timeless. It's the same artificial tree that we've had always. A lot of the ornaments are ones that my siblings and I made from as far back as preschool. There are new ones- like my frogs or my brothers' drum ones that he likes to put all in the same place and call it his "drum line". But we still put up old favorites like our power rangers (the ones from when we were younger). We did, however, stop putting up the sesame street ornaments.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow day

I totally did not do anything today, but there was no school so who cares? I'm still in my pajamas. I should probably change soon... Anyway....

So, it's like six days until Christmas and I don't really have presents for anyone. I have a present for my sister and my older brother, let's see that only leaves- my mom, my dad, my younger brother, my two best friends, and three guinea pigs. Though, if I run out of money the pigs ain't gettin' anything (except my love and care).

There's pep band tonight and it's "ugly holiday sweater night". I don't have an ugly holiday sweater. It's depressing. If I had one I would totally wear it tonight. I will wear holiday earrings, however. I can't decide if I should wear my snowmen (cuz of the snow day), or my new Santa earrings (they're really cool). Tough decisions.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Encyclopedia mania

I wish I had something to write about, but I don't. It was an ok four-day weekend I guess.

Thursday, my family went to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving and our relatives joined us for dessert where we had what my mom calls the "annual fight" over Christmas. It wasn't actually as bad this year, but my uncle decided his family would not get gifts for anyone and neither would we buy their family any gifts. I think that's really stupid, especially considering their youngest is six. I guess we'll have to wait and see there are any more arguments later on.

Friday, I went shopping with my sister, my mom, and my mom's friend (I know how to have a good time). Actually, it kind of stunk because I was crabby and broke. Then, when I got home I got my election judge check- about three hours too late. I also got a letter saying I'm a state scholar which doesn't mean anything except I get a free subscription to Britannica Online Encyclopedia, which, by the way, is not very useful.

So, just as I was beginning to feel like I was getting well again- I get a cold. It really sucks. I have to blow my nose like every five minutes. I've been trying to do nothing ( cuz I don't feel good) but between the baby-sitting, church, homework, and youth group, it has been pretty hard (not that I've done any of my homework, it's just the strain from thinking about it).

Well, I have to go blow my nose again.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Things I'm going to fail tomorrow...

bio quiz, english paper, survey test, and math quiz

This is what I get from not studying and spending the whole evening wasting time on the computer. Maybe I should just give up on school. It's not for me. Well, at least homework isn't. I think school would be a lot better if it wasn't for homework. I think it would make school about 1000 times more enjoyable if we didn't have any homework ever. If we do that and get rid of quizzes (because having quizzes and tests is just a waste of time), kids might actually enjoy learning.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm sick

I'm sick, and everything is spinning, but you know what? CHRISTMAS MUSIC!!! Yes, it started today as I'm sure all of you I've been bugging about it will be glad to know. And because I'm sick, I get to be at home listening to it. Instead of at school like all of you. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Essays, enzymes, and makeovers

So nothing all that exciting has happened recently which is bad because 1. nothing exciting has happened and 2. it gives me nothing to blog about. I could tell the story of how my dad set the church parking lot on fire, but even that's getting old. Pretty much, I've just been sleeping, doing homework, and studying (go head, ask me about enzymes).

My English teacher read my paper out loud to the class on Friday. It was kind of embarrassing, but it was the first time I got a A plus on a paper in years. I would find a way to attach to my blog so you could read it, but the final draft is only saved on my other computer and it would take way too much effort to go get it.

So the other day, I was researching hair and make-up tips on the Internet. I found a video, "How to blow dry naturally wavy hair" and I've tried twice to get my hair to look like the girl on the video, but no matter what I do, my hair does whatever it wants-then looks like crap. I also watched "How to look older:Make-up" because I'm sick of people thinking I'm 13 years old. So, if I come to school tomorrow with freaky make-up it's because I did it wrong. Just warning you.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My phone drama

This is what I wrote to virgin mobile(not kidding):

A few days ago, my phone died. It just died-wouldn't turn on, wouldn't charge-nothing. Well, I can't afford a new phone right now so I'd thought I'd just use my sister's old phone . So I go online to switch my account to my sister's phone, but I can't remember my account pin. I spent over an hour looking for the paper where I wrote it down, guessing my pin, and guessing the question and answer to use for when you lose your pin number. Finally, after all this torture, I found the piece of paper where my pin number was written and tried to log in, but it still didn't work. I don't understand because if I had changed it I would have written it down (I think). So now I can't use my phone and I can't log onto the website and it kind of stinks because I don't want to lose the money I had on my account. I do need to top-up, but it has only been a few days, so my account should still exist.
So now that you've read the shortened version of my phone drama saga- I beg of you- please help me!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mas espanol

Acabo de leer unos blogs en espanol. Ahora me duele la cabeza. Tambien cambie mi blog a espanol y ahora dice "ver blog" en vez de "view blog" y cosas similares. Es problema que no puedo hacer acentos. Quizas voy a necesitar escribir en ingles.

Bucket o' cheese fries?

On Sunday I was with my friend at this thing(apple fest) and we were hungry so we left the Irish store we were wandering around in (I felt awkward-not being Irish and all), to get some food. I decided that I wanted cheese fries because I love cheese fries because they're cheesy. I figured it would be expensive, and it was-seven bucks-BUT- it was a bucket,whoa. A bucket o' cheese fries. It was really good-totally worth the big bucks. I ate all of the cheese-drenched ones before I shared it. What can I say, I love cheese. I kept the bucket.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hablas espanol?

Today I ditched school. No, just kidding, but I had a field trip so I didn't have to go to any of my classes. For AP Spanish, we went to the Art Institute where we had folding stools to sit on and contemplate the art and where the lady showing us around kept getting lost due to construction. Then we went to a tapas restaurant for lunch. I decided I had to at least try everything (yum, goat cheese), and everything was tasting great until I got to this mushroom with green stuff in it. When I was chewing it I thought I was going to barf. There was no way I could swallow it. I had to spit it out. The chocolate cake was really good (yeah, I was eating chocolate cake while you were in class). Then we got to go home early.

PS. Sorry I don't know how to make an upside-down question mark or a tilde.

Monday, September 29, 2008

No offense

I saw a commercial yesterday and at the bottom it read, "Real People, Not Actors." So, in case you're wondering- actors are not real people.

(It's a joke people.)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Rachel's Challenge

This Rachel's Challenge thing has a hold on my mind and I don't know why. Is it because I have tried to implement similar ideas many times in my own life and failed? If so, then this should be my chance, right? I signed the thing saying I accept Rachel's Challenge. Or can I not get it out of my mind because Rachel possessed an extraordinary gift from God. Or is it because, despite the powerful meaning, I feel like I'm getting a biased opinion about something and I don't like that. Anyhow, it's stuck in my mind. I have so many thoughts about various parts about of the presentations and it's hard to sort through them all. I've heard so many different opinions from teachers and students and I'm just trying to put them all together. Maybe what I really don't like about it is that since I'm still just a teenager(we have stupid ideas sometimes) I don't want something like this to have a big impact on me because I just want to be able to make my own decisions and not have anybody tell me what I should do.

By the not likely chance that somebody not from my school is reading this here's a link in case you want to find out more.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Drowning my sorrows in marshmallow fluff

I spent the whole day doing nothing. I baby-sat in the morning, but after that I did nothing. I watched DVD's of Grey's Anatomy and ate junk food all day long. I totally ignored all my plans to study, fill out college applications, and anything thing else important to do. Sometimes I like to have days like this-where I do nothing. I feel guilty because I feel like I don't do that much to begin with and I already do a whole lot of nothing. I know sometimes people like to take days off for a "mental health day", and I guess that's kind of what it is for me except, on these days, I feel like shit.

I get really mad at my friends sometimes. I believe the Apples To Apples card says, "with friends like these who needs enemies?" Or even if that's not what the card says it matter because that still describes my friends.

I'm really shy. It's something I can't help, I don't know why it's just the way I am. It's really hard for me to talk to people I don't know very well. What's even harder is that a lot of people don't understand that. Hell, I don't even understand it, but that's just the way I am and I accept it.

My social life has never been very good. Because of my shyness, it's hard to me to make friends. For the longest time I didn't have any real friends besides my two best friends who I've known since the fourth grade. But last year I decided I wanted a better social life, I wanted more friends, and I wanted to talk. And ever since then, I've been trying really hard to talk to people. Believe it or not I've gotten better at talking to people, and I'm really proud of myself for it. I'm still socially inept, but I'm working hard at talking to people, and I want everyone to see that.

I'm not where I want to be though. I was hoping, since it's my senior year that I would get asked to homecoming. I think though I started my "new person" too late. I never got the chance to talk to male-classmate enough to become close to him. It makes me really sad because I'm not looking forward to this year's homecoming. The past three years, I've gone to homecoming single and with my friends and it was awesome. But I don't want to go this year. All of my friends have dates, and so does everybody else-except for me, and the people who don't- are not going to homecoming. I'm forcing myself to go though because that's what the new me does. I force my self to go places, I force myself to hang out with my friends, and I force myself to do things like will never get to do again- like my senior-year homecoming.

What I hate the most, is that my friends don't care. They don't care that I'm sitting here crying as I type this right now. They are all at a party I wasn't invited to. And when I talk to them, they don't listen. I listen, to them and all of their problems, but nobody ever listens to me. I'm bad at talking and I'm lucky if I can get a stupid sentence into the conversation, but I never get to say anything real. Nobody at that school besides my best friend and my sister are even close to knowing who I am, and even those two don't know as much as they should.

I know I'm not always a very good friend or a very good sister, but I always listen to them. I let them go on and on about their problems or their accomplishments, but I feel like nobody wants to know about my problems or my accomplishments. I'm just the shy, quiet, lazy to girl to everyone.

That's why I'm writing this blog. These are my true feelings. I don't know if I even would have written this in my diary. I'm usually not truthful to myself. I let myself think I am the the good-for-nothing shy, lazy girl.

But I'm writing this to let everybody know that I am important. I have thoughts and feelings and I like talking. I just want my friends to listen to me. I just want my friends to be my real friends. I'm not the girl who just sits there while everybody else is having fun. It may seem like it, but you know, when I'm just sitting there I'm laughing too and I'm thinking. I'm just not good at getting a word in when everybody else is talking.

I don't know if anybody's going to read this. Rinny and Ryan maybe will eventually. I don't know if anything I just wrote will actually make sense or if those who tried to read it even made it this far.

I just want to let everybody know how I feel so I can stop drowning my sorrows in marshmallow fluff and so I can stop pretending I'm scary and damaged Meredith Grey- because I'm not.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Even I have to stop procrastinating at some point

College applications-or more specifically the essays for college applications- stink. I've been putting it off for a long time, but today I decided I should probably start. So I wrote the first drafts to two short little 300 word max (one's 297- that's how good I am). They were ok to write. One was hard, and not that good, but, hey, that's what editing is for- at least I got something. Anyway, now it's time to write that dreaded personal statement. You know- it's hard to try to write about yourself when you're not that interesting- especially for something this important. So here I am- blogging- procrastinating again (I'm an expert), and all I have is the intro.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet dream (no pun intended)

Last night, I had a dream where I was in some sort of contest/game and we had to find things and put it in a little baggie. The first thing I had to find was in some sort of weird cave thing, but I eventually found it and put it in my bag- it was a chocolate chip cookie bar. The second thing was harder to get. It was in the library, but the only way to get it was to go through a maze and then when you reached the end you had to use your mind power to get it out from a small silver dome on the ceiling. I got through the maze pretty quickly, and my mind power was so good, the thing- a big blue cube of Starburst, was already on the chair as I walked to the dome. I was so proud of myself, but as I was leaving the library, my sister walked by and I saw in her baggie she had the cookie bar, the Starburst, and a Hershey bar. I was upset that I didn't know about the Hershey bar. Then I realized I had a similar dream previously where I did have the Hershey bar.

I think these things I was getting were for God (who knew He has such a sweet tooth?). I don't know why I couldn't get the Hershey bar. It made me think of offerings to God and of Cain and Abel (I promise I'm not going to kill my sister). Then I thought my friend Rinny would say that I've been reading too much East of Eden.

Tootsie roll vs gum

Boy: Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?
Mr. Owl
: A good question. Let's find out. A One... A.two-HOO...A three..
(crunch sound effect)

Mr. Owl
: Three

In my psych class we did how many licks does it take to get to the center of a blow-pop. It was one of my childhood dreams (actually I would have preferred the tootsie pop). It was so hard though. It hurt my mouth to keep it open and to keep on licking. It took me 624 licks. Everyone was saying that they didn't like blow-pops anymore after that.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Wait, what? It's September already? Where did July go? Come back July!

Air pollution

I'm in a really bad mood and I don't know why. I'd like to be in a good mood. After all, I already did homework and it's a beautiful day outside. I attribute it to lack of sleep and fact that there's school tomorrow. Labor day just messed everything up for me. The school week should only be four days long anyway- that's much more reasonable.

So, on account of my being in a bad mood and being bored I went to and I was like- Whoa! They changed it! Then I was like, I like it. It's too white though. Then I saw their logo thing in the corner and I saw like- how stupid! Bored- Burn your boredom!

Burn my boredom? What the cheese does that mean? What a stupid thing to say.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Money is evil

"So and so called. She wants you to babysit tomorrow from 4-9"
"I don't get home til after 4"
"If she can move it to 4:30, would you want to?"
"But you need the money"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Animal torture

I was just at one of my favorite websites- because I was extremely bored, but since I spent my whole summer on the computer, I've pretty much done everything on that website. So I starting looking around for something different and I discovered they had a theme song. I've never heard of a website that has a theme song before so I just had to listen. So it started playing a bad rap song, and my guinea pig-who was sleeping- starts freaking out. He jumps up, then freezes then starts moving his head side to side like, "what's that?" He looked scared like that song meant he was gonna be tortured or something. I know this is gonna sound mean, but it made me laugh. My guinea pig is scared of's theme song! So hey, stop scaring small animals! Not the weirdest thing I've heard gp's being afraid of though. My first guinea pig was afraid of wood floors.

I think it took me longer to type than the time it happened in. Too many words.

Mi nombre

So in case you haven't figured it out, my real name is not Rodent Girl. The thing is though that I made this account with that name way before I had a blog that people (my friends[two of 'em anyway]) would actually read. Now the Rodent Girl thing is getting annoying. Not only is it a stupid name (even for a fake one), but it's long and with the space and everything it takes extra effort to type (I've always been bad at typing). So, I'd like to propose a new fake name for myself. Here are some of my ideas:
1. My middle name- still a nice name, but any creeper out there on the Internet can't really find out who I am by just my middle name
2. My Spanish name. I've used the same name in Spanish class since freshman year, and it really has become like another name for me. I will easily remember that that's the name I'm using and I will easily respond to it
3. A name from a favorite book or movie of mine

I'll make a poll- let me know what you think.

PS Parentheses again (I think maybe I just think in parentheses [I have too many random comments]) !

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My hair smells like smoke

Guess What? I just saw Smash Mouth! Of course, the only people who are reading this already know that. It was so much fun. I've never seen like a real band doing a real concert before. It was so much fun(did I already say that?). I bet my 10 year old self would be so excited.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I promise this is my last post about my computer

I've been on the computer for less than an hour and already I'm bored. I don't get it. Wasn't I on the computer pretty much the whole summer? What was I doing? Maybe I just did everything there is to do on the Internet (that isn't bad, I'm just kidding). Hmmm... I think this either means I should be spending less time on the computer, or I should find new websites to become obsessed with. I'm leaning toward the second one.

PS. I get to watch my favorite TV show tonight!

Friday, August 15, 2008

This is not good-bye but only see you later

My dear computer,

How you have kept me satisfied this summer.
And oh how I needed you.
I turned you on every morning.
I love the way you light up my face.
I push your buttons constantly, but still,
You always give me what I want.
I feel no greater pleasure
than to feel your warmth on my lap.
With all of your beauty,
I could stare at you all day long.
I get frustrated when you get slow,
Though I know you'll always be waiting for me in the bedroom.
Morning, noon, or night,
You and I always find the time to be together.
Tears come to my eyes
When I realize how limited is our time.
I'm not going to get to see you much anymore
There are not enough hours,
but I want you to know
I'll be fantasizing about your slender, black body
the whole time.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I hate school already

My school messed up my schedule! It doesn't even start for another week and I'm already mad at them. Not that I wouldn't mind not taking a math class, but it's kind of important. I was supposed to be in a different science class too- one with my friends. I don't have any good teachers either! UGH!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I can't think of a stupid title. Get over it.

I have just read the first chapter to one of three books I have to read for school, and with only one real week of summer left, I'd say I'm doing pretty good. Nah, that's a bunch of crap. How am I supposed to read these books when all I want to do is play stupid games on the Internet? I have a problem. I really do. I want someone to take this computer away from me, but I think if they did I would die(or go crazy). Or I might just be able to get my life back just in time for school. Nah. I'd die.

It's pretty messed up how my summer has been. I've done absolutely nothing except complain about how boring it is, but now I don't want it to end. I may not have a life, but staying up til 3 am watching dumb TV shows, sleeping in til 1, then going on the computer for the rest of the day- is boring. But it's a hell of a lot more fun than school.

I'm just going to try to enjoy my last week while practicing my flute and reading two (long) books. And between the Internet and the TV I just don't think I can handle it all! See? I need help. Ugh.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Say cheese!

This goes out to all my friends and close acquaintances:

I just had the greatest idea! We should have a cheese fest! I was thinking the other day and the thought came to my mind that we need to have a party before band camp, and then of course my thoughts turned to food. And what food is better than cheese(well there are some, but cheese is pretty high up on my list)? So then I started thinking- cheese and crackers, nacho cheese, cheese quesadillas, cheese fondue- the possibilities are virtually endless.

So now I throw the question to you, my friends- am I just saying this jokingly, or do you want to go cheese crazy (for those of you who are not already there)?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Stop calling my cell phone!!!

For the past couple weeks I've been getting strange phone calls on my cell phone. Except I'm never there to answer them so it's just these odd voicemails. The guy calling doesn't realize he's reached my voicemail though and every call is like, "Hello? Rodent Girl(cept he uses my real name)? Can I speak with Rodent Girl please? Hello?" What's also weird about these calls is that they all sound like the same guy calling, but every time he calls it's a different number. Most of the numbers are 800 or 866 numbers, but there are other ones. There was even one and the number was just 1412.

So today I told my mom and she called one of the numbers today, and it was an answering service. My mom asked who was calling but the answering service guy didn't know. She told him that a man was calling her daughter who is a minor and the guy said, "uh-oh."

Yeah, uh-oh. Stop calling me strange person! Or at least leave a real message and tell me what you want.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Note to self:

Your insecurities are holding you back.

It's kind of crazy, actually. You probably feel like everything and everyone is holding you back from changing, like the whole world is against you, but the person hurting you the most is... YOU. If it seems like you're always telling yourself, "I'm not good enough/pretty enough/smart enough to do that thing," it's time to ignore your inner critic. If someone else said that stuff to you, you'd probably get angry and want to tell that person off, so don't listen to it from yourself either! Trust this quiz -- you're a thousand times more awesome than you give yourself credit for.

-quiz results

I need a new hobby

The thing I'm learning about blogs is that you need to have a certain topic for each post. It makes for easy reading and it's also more interesting that way.

The problem is I can never remember what I wanted to blog about. Between my inadequate memory and my erratic emotions it's hard to me to post anything at all. So from now on, I've decided I'm just going to post whatever the hell I want whether it is interesting and makes sense, or not. You've been warned.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Boredom is my best color

Does it bother you that when there's only one comment it says 1 comments? What they couldn't do the parenthesis "s" thing. It should say 1 comment(s). That way all grammar issues would be avoided.

Such an interesting topic, I know. I'm so bored though I'd write about anything if I had to. Chipping nail polish, smelly guinea pigs, unemployed teens, weird numbers calling my cell phone, last night's re-run of George Lopez, timothy hay on the carpet of my otherwise clean room, stain on my shirt, e-mailing friends who won't e-mail me back- the possibilities are endless. Really I've just been trying to find someone to go swimming with me. I don't need to bore you with the details of my life though.

Something interesting better happen soon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My expert fashion advice-#1

Sometimes I like to consider myself somewhat of a fashion expert. I really have no support to back that up except the fact that I've been a huge What Not To Wear fan since junior high. If you look at me you probably wouldn't think I know a lot about fashion. Lucky for me you can't see the Mickey Mouse necklace I'm wearing right now. Just because I don't implement the latest fashion trends on myself however, does not mean I lack fashion sense. I have learned much from Stacy and Clinton.

The reason I bring this up is because next year my school is requiring us to wear our IDs around our necks. We are getting school-issued lanyards to do so. The problem I have with this is it will totally clash with every outfit. Kids won't even have a reason to get dressed anymore. What's the point in buying awesome school clothes to show off to everybody if a white card with your ugly face is in the way, distracting the attention from your outfit.

This is why I'd like to propose ID wristbands. I understand they would have to be pretty think wristbands in order to accommodate the ID, which is not suitable for all body types, but overall, I think we will be better off. The wristbands would consist of clear, flexible plastic with fabric on both ends. There could be different fabrics, in different colors so there would be one to match with every outfit. There could even be blank ones that students could decorate themselves which would promote individuality.

It's true that we could just make different colored lanyards, but the distraction factor would still be there. The lanyard would also not be flattering for every kind of shirt. Whether the shirt be a scoop-neck, v-neck, wrap, halter, or even sweatshirt- the lanyard will not go with it. The wristband is a more subtle way to help with the safety of the school. Plus, it could be quite the money-making scheme if carried out correctly.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Not for the pteromerhanophobic

I was looking for jokes to put in my 'funnies' section. I read a lot of not-funny things, but this one made me laugh a little. It's too long to fit in the 'funnies'.

After every flight, pilots fill out a form called a gripe sheet, which conveys to the mechanics problems encountered with the aircraft during the flight that need repair or correction. The mechanics read and correct the problem, and then respond in writing on the lower half of the form what remedial action was taken, and the pilot reviews the gripe sheets before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews and engineers lack a sense of humor.

Here are some actual logged maintenance complaints and problems as submitted by Quantas pilots and the solution recorded by maintenance engineers. By the way, Quantas is the only major airline that has never had an accident.

P: The problem logged by the pilot. S: The solution and action taken by the engineers.

P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement. S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.

P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough. S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.

P: Something loose in cockpit. S: Something tightened in cockpit.

P: Dead bugs on windshield. S: Live bugs on back-order.

P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent. S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.

P: Evidence of leak on right main landing gear. S: Evidence removed.

P: DME volume unbelievably loud. S: DME volume set to more believable level.

P: Friction locks cause throttle levers to stick. S: That’s what they’re there for.

P: IFF inoperative. S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.

P: Suspected crack in windshield. S: Suspect you’re right.

P: Number 3 engine missing. S: Engine found on right wing after brief search.

P: Aircraft handles funny. S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right, and be serious.

P: Target radar hums. S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.

P: Mouse in cockpit. S: Cat installed.

P: Noise coming from under instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer. S: Took hammer away from midget.


Yesterday I had a babysitting job. I was really excited because I haven't had anyone to babysit in a while, but these people just moved here so it looked promising.

That morning I also had to babysit in the nursery in my church. I have been babysitting at my church since the sixth grade and it's no big deal because it's less than an hour, right? Well, yesterday, I guess he just couldn't hold it in any longer and a kid peed on the floor. I was hoping it wasn't a bad omen for the rest of my babysitting day.

And how did the other babysitting experience go, you ask? Let me tell you- five kids, seven hours- how do you think it went? I. Was. Pooped. I got a lot of money though.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I wanted the blue cotton candy

Tonight I went with my parents to see a band of old people, Jay and the Americans. We went because the new Jay, Jay number three, is a relative of ours. I think he's my grandma's cousin or something like that. Anyway, they were really good and their whole concert was like a reminiscence of all the good stuff they've done, and let me tell you these fellas have been around for a while. It was pretty cool though because they new a lot of famous musicians(also old), but I can't really tell you who because I don't really care about famous people (especially those on the older side). One of the only names I recognized I still really don't even know who he is (Neil Diamond, Anyone?). Just thought I'd tell you. The best part of the night was the cotton candy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Future...

Since I've been going on the computer recently I decided to put my time to good use. Sick of solitaire and the games on, I thought I should look up information for the college I wanted to go to. There was this one college I was so sure I wanted to go to so I started looking up a ton of stuff on its website. I've already been to this place and read their pamphlet a thousand times over, but I wanted more info about stuff like honors and bands. Then after discovering some upsetting information ( my AP score is too low for what I thought would be an "easy" college to get into), I decided to explore other options. I then began to look up information for two other "easy" colleges- it seemed okay, but not really completely what I was looking for. So I figured I might as well look up another college I hear about a lot, but I had never really considered it because it's a "hard" one to get into. This "hard" college as it turns out has my perfect major. I thought this wasn't really a "sciency" school, but it has a major called "animal sciences" whereas the college I was so sure of going to I'd have to major in biology. Now I am totally confused and I just don't know anymore! College #2 has my perfect major, but it's harder to get into, way more expensive, and I don't want to get my hopes up about it. College #1 I know has a good biological science program, is smaller, less expensive, easier to get into, I have a shot at getting into their honors program, and has a couple of bands you don't have to audition to get into, but I like the other one more now (I think). I am so confused. I need someone to help me with all of this college-nonsense!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I just read my friends' blog- the one that had the same colors as my blog. Let me tell you, I'm glad I changed mine so it wouldn't match theirs because mine is totally better looking than theirs. Oh sure, they have better posts and people actually read theirs, but mine is prettier all that's all that matters. I'm just joking around people- my friends' blog is cool looking too.

Oh crap, I just spaced out and now I totally don't remember what I was going to write about. And that pretty much describes my writing style. It kind of makes it hard to write a blog.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nothing Important

It's thunder storming right now. My mom just screamed to get away from windows. It totally freaked me out. Immediately, I unplugged my computer(which didn't do anything because it's a laptop so then I had to shut it down), ran to put it and my flute into the closet, dragged my guinea pig's cage to the other end of the room, and ran out. Now you now how well I would act in an emergency situation. Don't worry. I went back into my room and turned on my computer and all is good in the world. You know, despite the severe thunderstorm, global warming, corrupt governments, starving children, cancer and AIDS, and all the innocent victims of war.

Tomorrow is my town's fireworks for independence day. Except, tomorrow is the third. And the parade is on the fifth. It's a little strange if you ask me. I don't mind though because I love holidays. I think they all should be spread over three days. I told that to my mom and she said that's because I'm not a mom. I'm excited though because I'm going to watch the fireworks with my friends and I get to march in the parade.

Well, I'm off now to try to find something at least semi-fun to do. Wish me luck.

Friday, June 27, 2008


What's the point of summer anyway? Almost three months where I don't use my brain isn't exactly a good idea. Oh sure, you can get a job or take summer school, but, nah, that's not for me. Why would I want to learn something new or make money? Actually the problem is no place wants to hire me. Those butthead employers. Don't they know I'm a responsible, honor roll student? Obviously they only want the "D" students. No offense. Why would I need a job anyway when I can just sit here and watch TV all day? I can almost feel my brain turning to mush. I'm gonna fail all of my AP classes next year and it's going to be all the fault of this summer.

Today I couldn't sleep so I woke up around 5:30 leaving me with about four hours of sleep. So I go watch TV and I fall asleep on the couch around 9-ish and wake up about an hour later. About a hour after that I go to bed and sleep until 4. Not only was that a complete waste of my time, but now I have a horrible headache.

Please people, I need something to do! All of my friends have jobs and stuff to do and I'm stuck here. Furthermore, I am terrified to take my piggies outside. I had another hawk nightmare last night (or this afternoon-I don't remember). This along with the so-itchy-they're-painful mosquito bites is keeping me inside. I can't stay in this place! Help me before I go crazy. I've already wasted a third of the summer.

What was my original point? I've strayed a bit . Oh yeah. This sucks.

PS- sorry about the annoying teenage rant

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Half an hour later...

So it has been half an hour since I decided to resume blogging, and not much has happened since then. However, I have become ever more aware of the fact that my memory sucks. I was just trying to find a link that would let me edit my profile. I mean, come on people, it has been over a month. Who knows what I put in that thing?

Anyway, I came across an editing page that and one thing asked if there was 'adult content' and if your blog contains 'adult content' you should click 'yes' so then a little warning thingy pops up.

I considered this button. First, it made me think of a friend (you know who you are). Then I thought- me? adult content? no. Then I laughed in my head and thought- well not now, but hey, you never know *wink*. Then I thought I should put yes just to freak out/annoy everyone who views my blog. Then I realized no one ever reads my blog- besides me being narcissistic- so I would just be annoying myself.

So I didn't. But if I ever do have 'adult content' on this blog, I can assure you I will do the right thing and click 'yes'.

Too Late For Me

So, I was gonna give up on my blog. Actually, I did give up on my blog. I just never got around to deleting it.

So here I was, and I'm feeling pretty high cuz it's 3:30 am and I'm the only one up in my house and I've been on the computer all day and I was lookin for Relient K info (I'm dying to see a concert). Well, I can't find any info because they have a new album coming out and that's all it says on their website. That's helpful-not! Anyway, I found Matthew Thiessen's blog which is on the same website as this and I was inspired. I thought it would be so cool to have one because he has one. How mature of me. Now I know I can't compare to someone as awesome, famous, and talented as him, but it's 3:30 people! Wud'd ya expect?!

So, I'm gonna start blogging for real this time. But I might have to change the colors so it's not the same as Rosie's and Ryan's .

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bathrooms and Cheetos

So today I had an AP test, and it really wasn't that bad, but in the last half hour I really had to pee, but I figured no big whoop I'll just go after it's over. Well when we get out we discover that all the bathrooms are locked and they are not going to be unlocked until cameras are installed in front of every bathroom door. Forget about having to pee today, what a violation of privavcy. There's got be something illegal about this.

On a brighter note, I ate Baked Cheetos today. I was totoally afraid they were going to be disgusting, but they were actually really good. I think they are even better than normal cheetos. Is that even possible?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Oh That Place We Call School...

So last week at my school, there was a rumor of a bomb threat. It wasn't a real a bomb threat, just a rumor, but in light of all the violence that has been happening recently in schools, my school took it pretty seriously. 3rd period the principal announced a lock down, but my friends and I were in the cafeteria so we couldn't hear it. So my friends left halfway through the period to go to the band room like they always do. So they left the cafeteria, despite the lock down, to find a swarm of police officers, and they quickly returned. At this point, we had no idea what was going on. Like two seconds after they returned to our table, the assistant principal and some other important looking dude read us the announcement that the principal said. It pretty much said, "There's an unsubstantiated bomb threat. We're going in lock down. Go back to your second period class." So we trudged back to our second period class- for me it was Spanish. On our way teachers were yelling at us to get to our classes cuz we were a little late since we were in the cafeteria. A few minutes later the principal gets on the intercom again to announce that the police will be searching our school with bomb-sniffing dogs and that we'll have to remain in lock down for two hours. Two hours in Spanish class! Now that's cruel and unusual punishment. Two hours and I had to go to the bathroom.

In the end it turned out ok. My class watched You-Tube videos. Afterwards I ran to the bathroom, but there was a line! OMG!

That was last week. On Wednesday, about 10 minutes before the end of the school day the principal comes on the intercom with a lovely announcement. "A threat has been found...blah blah will not be closed...police will be present... no off-campus...everyone can only enter through one door...this message is online" Well I was kind of relieved because I thought he was going to say we were going to have a lock down which would mean I'd be stuck in math class for who knows how long. I thought the one-door thing was stupid, but no big deal. That afternoon, my brother goes online to read my mom the announcement and I hear him saying that the school is going to be searching backpacks tomorrow. How unfair! He didn't say that before. It made me mad that they were keeping information from us.

The next day as everyone enters the building we were greeted by police and administrators. They stared us down and we walked past and I said loudly to my sister(so they could hear) "Well, this is creepy." Now, I was already pissed, but during my first period class, my teacher informs us that all except for the corner bathrooms are locked and we are not allowed to leave the classroom at all. In my next class, I find out from the teacher that teachers going to start to have to wear ID all the time and eventually the students will too. I also find out that the threat which was written in a boy's bathroom, was not actually until tomorrow. Oh Joy. During lunch, they were only letting people go to the bathroom one at a time, through one door, while teachers guarded the other doors. My friends had to ask a teacher to escort them to the band room. This other girl I know was in the auditorium for fashion show practice and they wouldn't let her go to the cafeteria to eat lunch. My dance teacher said she let a girl get a drink from a water fountain, which is right next to the dance room, and they were like freaking out calling the police on her. It was such a great day with police all around the school and not being allowed to go to the bathroom.

So this today, everything was the same. As me, a friend, and my driver's teacher were walking out to drive, I was telling my teacher how much this whole thing sucked. We walked right past a group of like six police officers and I hope they heard me.

This whole thing really sucks. I hate not being able to go to the bathroom. I hate not being able to leave the cafeteria to go to the library. I hate having the police watching us as we go about our day. But most of all I hate this fear I have now that I'm going to get killed in school. My school has always been so awesome, but now I hate it. Every Friday, we have spirit day where you're supposed to wear red and/or school shirts- well I saw hardly any red clothing today, but I was seeing red.

My First Blog.

Welcome to all those who are reading this. I'd like to tell you now that you are wasting your time reading my blog because I am not an interesting person. This is your last warning.

For all of you that are still here, I'll tell you a little about myself. My name is-well i'm not going to tell you because this is the Internet and there are a lot of creeps out there. However, I'll respond to frog girl, rodent girl, cheesebutt, blue horse, or weird girl. My age is somewhere between 11 and 25, but unfortunatly I have to admit I'm in high school since most of my life centers around it. My favorite color is purple, I love frogs and guinea pigs, I have two brothers and a sister, I play the flute, I hate sports, I'm kind of nerdy, and I have an incredibly boring personality which is why my friends never invite me anywhere.

Have you decided to stop reading this yet?