Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet dream (no pun intended)

Last night, I had a dream where I was in some sort of contest/game and we had to find things and put it in a little baggie. The first thing I had to find was in some sort of weird cave thing, but I eventually found it and put it in my bag- it was a chocolate chip cookie bar. The second thing was harder to get. It was in the library, but the only way to get it was to go through a maze and then when you reached the end you had to use your mind power to get it out from a small silver dome on the ceiling. I got through the maze pretty quickly, and my mind power was so good, the thing- a big blue cube of Starburst, was already on the chair as I walked to the dome. I was so proud of myself, but as I was leaving the library, my sister walked by and I saw in her baggie she had the cookie bar, the Starburst, and a Hershey bar. I was upset that I didn't know about the Hershey bar. Then I realized I had a similar dream previously where I did have the Hershey bar.

I think these things I was getting were for God (who knew He has such a sweet tooth?). I don't know why I couldn't get the Hershey bar. It made me think of offerings to God and of Cain and Abel (I promise I'm not going to kill my sister). Then I thought my friend Rinny would say that I've been reading too much East of Eden.


Ryan said...

in answer of your queston... YEs i do

Anonymous said...