Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My phone drama

This is what I wrote to virgin mobile(not kidding):

A few days ago, my phone died. It just died-wouldn't turn on, wouldn't charge-nothing. Well, I can't afford a new phone right now so I'd thought I'd just use my sister's old phone . So I go online to switch my account to my sister's phone, but I can't remember my account pin. I spent over an hour looking for the paper where I wrote it down, guessing my pin, and guessing the question and answer to use for when you lose your pin number. Finally, after all this torture, I found the piece of paper where my pin number was written and tried to log in, but it still didn't work. I don't understand because if I had changed it I would have written it down (I think). So now I can't use my phone and I can't log onto the website and it kind of stinks because I don't want to lose the money I had on my account. I do need to top-up, but it has only been a few days, so my account should still exist.
So now that you've read the shortened version of my phone drama saga- I beg of you- please help me!!!

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