Sunday, August 22, 2010

The loss of our dear friend, The Summer

Stage 1- Denial: You keep on wearing those short-shorts despite the science building being as cold as Antarctica. Freezing yourself just to show off those legs that seemed so sexy and tan yesterday in your bathing suit that are now just wasting your time as you struggle to unstick yourself from the chair at the end of each class.

 Stage 2- Anger: I am not going to school. It is a sucky, useless place that just takes all my money. I hate you, school! It's all your fault Summer isn't with us anymore! You did this to her! To us!

Stage 3-Bargaining: Please just one more week while the weather is still nice! You can have a week of my winter break, if you just let me go swimming just one more time.

Stage 4- Depression: You fill your backpack with pencils and your calculator then slump it over your shoulder. As you walk out to your car you note the sunshine, but don't care as you will be stuck in buildings all day. All the things that used to bring you joy: ice cream, tanning, sleeping in until noon, seem to have gone with the departed and you are left with nothing.

Stage 5- Acceptance: Let's face it, you're just waiting it out until next summer. Screw acceptance.


Rinny said...

so true.

Rosie said...

You are wise, my dear Person. And very humorous.