Sunday, May 2, 2010

You should take notes on this

1.The best time to study for tests is 5-10 minutes before the actual test. You don't want to spend hours and hours the night before to learn something you only need to know for one more hour of your life. So, you study a few minutes before and it will all be fresh in your mind. And if you forget it afterward, who cares, because it is probably something you are never going to need to know again. Except maybe for the final.

2. Be original. This is the easiest way to an "A" paper. All you have to do is have an original/creative point to argue. This allows you to write about whatever the hell you want, even if there's a prompt. It also makes it more interesting for the teacher to read and it will stand out more in his or her mind so he or she will automatically be more inclined to score it higher. All of which  add up to give you more flexibility in the minimum page requirement. You could spend that time you would have spent writing that final page doing something more important, like watching that episode of House you missed two weeks ago. The only catch is that you can't write like a dumbass. Know what you're talking about- is all I'm saying.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I try so hard to do #2, I wish I had your creative mind. <3