Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kicking school's ass while you sit on yours

You have two options with school: work hard and get good grades or slack off and get average or bad grades. The only way around this is if you are smart. But even if you are not smart, you can still slack off and get good grades if you know how, because lets face it, school is important to you, but you have better things to do.

I look at school like a game. While you can't cheat (well, you can but it's frowned upon), you can use some tricks that I have learned. I am actually amazed how well these have worked out for me. Just recently I got back my lit midterm paper. I wrote this paper the night before it was due, on a piece of literature I found hard to understand (Chaucer), and it was only 3 1/2 pages despite the minimum requirement being 5. My professor liked it and I got an A. It doesn't get any better than that.

So, my next few posts I will be sharing these with you (they require explanation) so you can be as awesomely lazy as I am.

*Disclaimer: Does not guarantee success. May not be suitable for all classes such as honors or AP. Not recommended for overachievers.


Anonymous said...

FINALLY!!! you share your wisdom :)

Gloria said...

Are you being sarcastic?

Anonymous said...

no im not! (for once)