Ever since my last class got out today, I've wanted to swear a lot. The teacher of my last class (philosophy) has swears incorporated into his everyday language. I mean, he FUCKING swears the SHIT out of everything! I had to remind myself that I don't talk like that (usually).
I'm really nervous about starting my first job. I feel like it has taken so much for me not to be so F-ing shy (sorry, residual) and I'm sick of keeping it up. It's ridiculous because I can't live my life like that. But it's hard to be something you're not. And it's key when the things you're not, i.e friendly and hardworking, are important in the real world.
Ever since my Bff's have gone away, I feel like I have to watch what I say because I don't want to hurt them. And things have been a bit too warm and gooey. It's unnatural. I can't say that I know what it's like to leave your friends and family and I'm sure it has been emotional, but I want to be able to insult them and tell them what I really think. Because that's what best friend's are for. Did you guys notice that too or is it just me? Well, talking to them online today, I tried to get back into that.
Warm and gooey? Was I too warm and gooey when u called me? i know i kept saying u should come up and visit, but i really do miss you!!! O(
and please, insult and tease me, i need some normalcy here! lol!
and i know it's like impossible for anyone to be something ur not, but sometimes we gotta do shit we hate in order to reach the goals we strive for. i had to work my ass off all summer so that i could afford this college and GET AWAY. you gotta start working too, so u can pay for harper and start going to a school you WANT to go to, so u can finally achieve ur dream. i love you bucnhes, but u don't want warm and fuzzy, so i say, suck it up.
LOL <3 i really do love you person. OP
Sorry babe, but I tend to be a warm and gooey person. Lol. But I can be a bitch too if you'd rather. Lol. Normal is good. Please feel free to insult, tease and such. You don't hafta watch what you say around me. We're BFFs for god sake! lol. MUSHY ALERT. I'll always luv ya no matter what you say to me. But Rosie's right in her advise. Good luck. You know where to find me. :p
Missing your blog glo worm... :/
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