Monday, August 3, 2009

Life. Is. Not. Fair. part 2

It's one thing when I have to go to community college. It's another thing when all of the classes I have to take to transfer to U of I are all full. I mean I would have signed up for classes sooner, I did as a matter of fact. I signed on for U of I classes June 2nd, because I thought I was actually going there. And haven't I already suffered enough? At this point, I can't even find enough classes to be considered a full time student.

Anyways, as a consolation prize for myself for not going away, I'm going to get a pet frog. His name will be Francisco. After that guy from Elf. "Francisco! That's fun to say! Francisco... Frannncisco... Franciscooo..."

1 comment:

Rosie said...

When are you gonna get Fransisco?

And that classes thing really (pardon me) FUCKING SUCKS. GAH!