Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When technology goes bad

Earlier today, I read an article on Yahoo about how some guy's oven turned on by itself. But it didn't really turn on by itself, because that's unrealistic. His cell phone ringing turned it on. Apparently, it was because of electromagnetic interference. Or maybe his communicative devices and his appliances are teaming up against him. Or they thought he could use a home-baked meal after a long day of work. You decide depending if you're a glass-empty or glass-full kind of person.

Later, also on Yahoo, was an article about iPhones and iPod Touches exploding. Which, chill out, is a very rare occurrence, but a few people have been injured.

Now, maybe this is God's way of saying we have too much technology and it is ruining our world (just a contributing factor things like too much garbage and unhealthy ingredients are also involved). And this is the warning that we should go back to simpler times. Or maybe we just need better stuff. Because scrolls and abacuses ain't gonna fit in my backpack


Rosie said...

Ain't. ^_^ Love that non-word-but-is-now-in-the-dictionary-word!

My iPod Touch better not explode.


Anonymous said...

All made worth it by the last sentence.