Automatic doors make me nervous. I feel like they can't really be trusted. This is what I noticed as I was leaving the grocery store today. So the sign on the door says "automatic door: keep moving." This I have a problem with. I can't keep moving because the door isn't opening. Oh sure, so far the door has always opened for me, but there are those few seconds when you are approaching the door thinking, "Is it going to open? When is it going to open? Why isn't it opening yet? Maybe it doesn't see me, maybe it's broken. I don't want to look like a fool and stop, but I don't want to walk into the door either. Oh God, I'm right here, please open, please open, please open. Whew it opened." And then you go on with your life until the next time you come across an automatic door and it happens again. I have to admit though, I frequently stop in front of the door, just to make sure. Good thing too, because I swear it only opens when your face is two inches away from the glass.
Better solution: non-creepily (or creepily if that's your thing) follow a group of strangers out the door, or if you are already in a group inconspicuously move to the back of the group. That way if there are any problems someone else will be the one walking into the door.
I often go through a similar thought process...but part of that may be due to the fact that I've run into automatic doors on multiple occasion.
You have?! Now I'm even more scared...
Lol sorry. They always open eventually. I just often walk too fast so i hit them before they open wide enough to go thru
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