"Do you want to take a class with Beyonce?"
Now, I normally look at things pretty realistically (ahem), but when I read that on a sign at my school I was like, "HELL YA, I wanna take a class with Beyonce!" And suddenly I am no longer standing in a doorway on my way to the bathroom. I am shaking my booty next to Beyonce singing, "All the single ladies, all the single ladies..." while the sun shines through the window enveloping me and her in a glow of righteousness and we are the only two in the room.
Until I read the next line, "Well, we don't have a course like that here..." Dreams shattered, but no one hears so I pick myself up. Of course. Right. Why would we? There's not way in hell this community college can afford to bring BEYONCE here. So I continue on to the bathroom with my normal life.
You know, it's really cruel to tease a girl like that.
I didn't even read the rest of the sign. Something about a PE class, idk. Good attention grabber though, but next time needs more follow-through.
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