I was looking at the TV guide while I was eating breakfast mainly because it was on the table near my seat, but also because I was wondering what other stations were going to play when the Super Bowl was on. I mean, how do you compete with THE SUPER BOWL? Almost everybody watches it and some even consider it a religious holiday.
Well, guess what's on TBS at a similar time? Titanic. Titanic is my Super Bowl. I make a day long event out of watching it. Snacks are involved, but more like ice cream than potato chips, and so are emotional outbursts, but crying instead of of shouting.
The best part though is that it is nothing like the Super Bowl. It's an artful movie that absorbs you in its romance and horror. It's deep (lol). You usually cry at the end.
Though, I guess the crying part is true for the Super Bowl too, for the losing team.
lol deep hahahaha
Miss you :*
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