Monday, December 28, 2009

What's really important

I just watched the Obama speech about the terrorism attempt on a airplane on Christmas day. I found a few things amusing about this:

1. When he was speaking about the incident and what was being done about it he was stumbling and kept on saying "uh." Yet then he gave a flowery speech where he pretty much said nothing that meant anything and it was flawless.

2. My mom was watching her soap opera. When this interrupted it, she fell asleep. Sorry, Obama  and national security, you are not as interesting as Stacy carrying someone else's baby.

3. As the news reporters were introducing it they described the attempted plot by the terrorist by saying the he had explosives in his underwear. I think that sounds funny without explanation.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another overpaid CEO

Saturday morning as I was eating Cheerios before work at 6 in the morning, the thought occurred to me that Santa is kind of creepy. What lead me to this conclusion was wondering what is Santa's job is actually. His main thing is delivering the toys on Christmas Eve. Other than that, he doesn't do much except for supervising those elves. This though, means he is nothing more than an over-glorified delivery man. Which is the creepy part, I mean, I don't  let the UPS man come down my chimney. 

Furthermore, the elves do all the hard work, and Santa takes all the credit. I think we should start sending milk and cookies to the elves. The little people are always overlooked.

Friday, December 18, 2009

My not so big adventure of the day

We put up our Christmas tree last weekend along with other Christmas decorations for our house. There is this one little ceramic Christmas house and I am quite fond of it. My mom hates it and even though I took it out she put it back and sent it up to the attic with all the other Christmas leftovers when I wasn't looking. I was mad, but she told me I could go up to the attic and get it if I wanted to.

Today I decided I would go get that house. So, I pulled down the ladder, got my flashlight to work by throwing it on the floor, and climbed up most of the way. It was really dark. I could see some of the Christmas boxes. Then I heard a clicking noise. I stood there for about a minute trying to decide whether or not I should go rummaging through those boxes. The clicking noise continued. I didn't want to end up with a FML story about some animal attacking me in the attic. Needless to say, I climbed back down and I still don't have that house.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Like a celebrity marriage

Well, my plan to blog almost everyday has offically ended. It didn't last very long. Oh well.

The problem is; my life is too boring, so I have nothing interesting to write about. True, that a really creative person could make something interesting out of anything, which was my intention, but I'm too lazy to do that. And whether not I could actually do that is another story, but we don't need to discuss it because it might hurt my feelings.

Good new though- winter break. Fuck. Yeah.

Pardon my language.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Modern elves

This is what I do when I'm bored and/or putting off writing papers.

Note that the button on the far-right elf reads "Team Santa."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

brrrrrrrr.... *shiver* *shiver*

It is too cold today. It's so cold that I can't even think of a way to end the thought, "it's so cold that."

I went the long way to all of my classes today to stay inside as much as possible. Yes, community college has its perks.

Part of the problem is that I'm too much of a sissy. A couple of times I went outside or forced myself to sit  by a door hoping that it would make me more tolerant to the cold. It didn't work. It just pissed me off. So now, not only am I still a complete and total wimp, but I am also mad at weather.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Don't be hatin

Today at work one of the ladies rolls in and I see she is covered in snow. I normally don't talk much, but I was trying to make an effort so I said, "Oh, is it snowing?" Then her jaw drops and says, "You did not just ask me that!" because she was obviously covered in snow and it was therefore a very dumb question. Then she passes me and I can hear her repeating what I said to everyone in the office. "No, an angel just threw up on me!" she offered as another alternative to snow that could have been a reason for me to ask that stupid question . The second time I heard her tell someone; I got frustrated, and I was embarrassed, so I shouted back (I could hear them even though I couldn't see them) "I was just trying to start a conversation!" She then says that she knows and she was just picking on me. I'm glad you can laugh at my expense, evening staff of Harper's ADS. 

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hell week

My brother used to refer to band camp week as "hell week." It was the week before school started and it was dedicated to sweating in the hot sun learning music and formations. It was hard at times, but it was also fun, so I never thought "hell week" was appropriate.

This week, however; is the week before finals at school. I have about a million and one things to do. If something causes me to go crazy; it's going to be this week. I'm going to actually have to put forth effort and do homework because everything is due this week or the beginning of next week.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm still gonna be on Facebook and MLIA. If there's one thing I learned in high school it was how to be lazy and productive at the same time.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas shopping done

I just saw an advertisement online for a company that makes personalized underwear. At first I thought it was stupid. But underwear is one of those things you can be as crazy as you want with because no one (or a select few [or not so select- I don't judge]) will see it. Since I was already thinking about underwear because of a MLIA that said something about "what's the point of wearing rocket ship underwear if one one is going to see it," I thought, hmmm... underwear...everyone wears it (more or less). Embrace the opportunity?

Therefore, I hope everyone enjoys their "I heart Gloria" thongs for Christmas.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Despite the color; Cheetos are nothing like carrots

I get asked a lot about how the vegetarian thing is going and even though no one who asks me reads this (all those in favor of me to stop mentioning how few people read this say "I"!), I thought I would tell YOU anyway.

I've never liked meat much because of the taste and because of the dead animal thing, but it still is hard just to stop. I do get a taste for it sometimes. Then I remind myself of the poor animal who had to die and I'm back.

In terms of nutrition, well, my mom always bugs me when I am left to make food for myself, for not eating well. I tell her it's not because I'm a vegetarian; it's because I'm a teenager and I love junk food. My dinner tonight was just going to consist of applesauce and easy cheese on crackers, so I threw a salad in there too. I'm not going to lie though, I'm getting sick of cheese quesadillas, vegetable soup, and vege burgers.

Yesterday, my muscles were hurting, so then I looked up "protein deficiency symptoms." Whoops. Other than's going well.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Not the candy

Monday before my professor arrived for calculus, those of us who were there were just waiting around in the hallway. I overheard a couple of guys from my class and they were actually talking about math. Which sounds nerdy. And it was. But these two guys aren't real nerds. They sit near me and I've seen their test scores. They are just nerd wannabes, pseudo-nerds.

Though one of these guys came up to me in the cafeteria one day when I was eating lunch and starting talking about the quiz we had earlier that day (I still don't know his name). He even had a copy of it because he asked the teacher for it afterwards. Personally, I didn't give a shit about the quiz. So, even though this guy isn't all that smart; I think he has nerd potential.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Give your thumbs a break

Today someone was texting in the bathroom stall next to me which I found weird. You don't have to hide to text in college, so it doesn't make sense to go to the bathroom just to text. But it doesn't make sense to text when you're doing your business either. You seriously can't wait three minutes until you're finished? What is really that important? Plus, that's kind of unsanitary if you think about it.

Also today, I was glad to see people who were walking stop to text. I'm glad I'm not the only one not coordinated enough to do both at the same time. As am I glad that these people are concerned about their safety and others' around them. I would totally walk into a pole. Actually, I would do that even if I wasn't texting.