Friday, September 18, 2009

Run around 'til you're pooped out

I got two new jobs. It's weird because I've never had a real job or really done anything that does not include sitting on my butt, watching TV before.

The first one is at college. I'm a student aide for access and disability services. I have to make deliveries around campus, answer the phone, and do random "projects"- once I put papers in folders for hours and once I highlighted papers for hours. It's easy and really there's not a whole lot to do. I love it. I've meet two other students aides there too and they're really cool.

One of the student aides is so- amusing? She says she's shy, but she's also friendly and doesn't act shy at all. She has all these cute little "boy stories"- once she saw a guy in the building where we work and she was trying to avoid him because they had a class together last year and they would always "look at each other". She freaked out for days because she kept on seeing him there. And guys ask her out all the time (she's pretty) and she like doesn't get it. I said to her one time, "Well, maybe he asked you out because he likes you." and she said, "No, he doesn't like me. I don't know why he asked me out." It's just not what I would expect from a cheerleader.

My other job is kind of sucky. I work four days at college then the other three I spend at this place. I have to wake up early and it's confusing. Two strikes. That's all I'm gonna say about that. I'll give it a couple more weeks. I don't know. We'll see how things go.

Anyways, all this keeps me kind of busy. I haven't even been talking to my friends that much. But school is easy. I have enough time to do homework and I see my friend, DB, twice a week at school- it's nice to talk to her. I don't feel overwhelmed or stressed, yet I've been getting a lot of headaches and stomachaches. Hm.


How do you get down from an elephant? You don't, you get down from a duck. How do you get out of an elephant? You run around 'til you're pooped out.


Rosie said...

100TH POST!!!! OMG THAT'S AWESOME!!! ^_^ Well. Your college job sounds pretty kickass to me, so that's cool. I'm so happy you finally posted again! I missed your blogs! :(

Gloria said...

I miss your blogs, Rosie!