Yesterday, despite not being allowed to go on any of the rides, I went to the carnival with my friends. So I got cotton candy to eat while they went on rides so at least I felt like I did take part in the carnival experience. It was bad cotton candy though. I didn't think cotton candy could be bad. I was not aware of the different levels of quality. I ate most of it anyway because I paid the five bucks, and ended up with most of it stuck to my fingers. Couldn't finish it though. I offered the rest to my family. They didn't take my offer of "you can eat my cotton candy, but it's not very good." It's still sitting on the piano.
By the way, it was both pink and blue. The pink tasted better (slightly).
Uck, bad cotton-candy? They musta peed in it or something, I didn't think it was possible to ruin it either. It's just sugar and air....?
and u wonder y i didn't have any! lol Tho honestly if ur gonna be a sales person...don't be. ^.^ luv ya!
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