Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rodent Girl Lisa smile

Today was my last full day of classes at high school. Which is well...what?

Last full day of classes means tomorrow I still have half my classes. Which means a test in English. But it also means half of my classes today were the last ones. I was really glad to be done with Spanish. That class was torture all year. Plus, it doesn't help when you don't understand what's going on. Last day of psychology meant I should be sad. It was a great class with a great teacher, but I'm not. All I could think of was "how does the movie end?" Band was a different matter. Yesterday, after I got my marching band uniform dry cleaned, I was like, "It's so pretty [it hadn't been cleaned in a while] I'll miss you uniform." As dorky as that thing was, I liked wearing it. I had a friend who was sobbing in band. That Pomp and Circumstance is pretty tear provoking. Especially, when your not the one playing it (when you are playing it, it's more like painfully annoying).

As I was walking home today, I was thinking about everything. Here I was, backpack on my back-filled with crap from the whole school year, U of I t-shirt on my body, and my graduation gown in a bag in my hand. I was getting kind of emotional. Not to mention I really had to pee, which didn't help.

So, yes, even though I can't wait to get out of this place- I'm gonna miss it.

I'm freaking out about college too. Long time ago, I thought, we don't go to college. That's something that happens to other people and to people on tv. It seems unreal to me- going to college. My older brother went to community college this year and my parents never went to college. I have no one to tell me the secrets. I have no clue of what to expect. It's like I'm going swimming, and I'm about to jump in the water. Except, the water is cold and I'm afraid of fish (I always swim in a lake- there's no other way). And when I jump in, what if my bathing suit rises up or snaps or something (this sometimes happens with a two-piece. Another reason for swimming in a lake- it's not as clear).

I'm sorry for the swimming analogy, but it's almost summer so what do you expect? I never said I was a creative genius.

My point is that today was my last full day of classes in high school and I am sad and happy and scared.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. I guess I'm kinda sad too. It is a bit bittersweet. I mean, I'm not done yet, I'll finish probably around June 17th, that's my goal, but really, it's just about over for you guys, and then there are all these graduation parties this weekend...

I can't imagine all of us going to different colleges. That's what makes me emotional. No one's gonna be close to each other anymore. I can't just walk down the block to your place, or Riny's or Ry's. I'm gonna hate that. We've all had each other since grade school, and now we'll all be separate. It's such an awful thought, I don't like it one bit. But then again, I can't wait for college.
