Sunday, March 29, 2009

Life is like a box of chocolates...

My neighbors brought over some chocolates for my family and I because I watched their rabbit while they were on vacation. I thought, ok, I'm going to sample these first or else my parents will eat all of them and I won't get any. The first thing I tried- some sort of chocolate hard candy- wasn't that good, but I took a handful to stash in my room anyway. Then I went to the box of assorted chocolates. My little brother warned me that none of those are good and that you always get the bad ones, but I had to try anyway. First one, not bad, not great, but not bad. Second one- ew, blagh! It's grayish insides tasted like gross raspberry (port-a-potty, my sister and I would say because they put raspberry scented stuff in there to make it smell better). Third one- wtf! Straight to the trash. I couldn't even identify the inside of that one. Fourth one looked pretty safe- kind of nutty. That one was good. My point is- life is like a box of chocolates- sometimes you have to spit 'em into the garbage.

PS: Don't analyze the metaphor


Anonymous said...

Run Forrest, Run!


Anonymous said...

I mizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz you posting here... *sobs*

~Blue Horse lover